Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bones and Skeleton

Bones and Skeleton

Bones and Skeleton

The skeleton is a framework of all the bones in the human body
The skeleton is a framework of all the bones in the human body.
The skeleton consists of the skull, hand bone, shoulder bone, rib cage, pelvic bone, backbone, leg bone and cartilage.
The skull protects the brain.
The shoulder has the ball and socket joint that helps the arm swing.
The rib cage protects the lungs, heart, stomach, abdomen and liver.
The backbone runs from the top of the skeleton to the bottom of the skeleton. It is connected to all the bones.
The pelvic bone protects the lower abdominal organs such as the urinary bladder, rectum and uterus.
Cartilage is a soft bone tissue that connects joints. It is present in external parts like the ear and nose.

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