Saturday, February 18, 2012

All about Air

All about Air

All about Air

Air supports life on earth
Air supports life on earth.
Air helps in the scattering of seeds and pollens of plants.
Animals use air for respiration.
Plants use air to prepare their food.
Air is present everywhere.
Atmosphere is a thin layer of air surrounding the earth.
The atmosphere is dense at the surface of the earth and becomes thinner as one moves up.
Air is:
Occupies space
The movement of air is called breeze or wind depending on its velocity or speed.
The following are the various components of air:
Carbon dioxide
Water vapour
Smoke and dust particles
Is the major component of air
Does not support burning
Is the second largest component present in air
Supports burning
Smoke and dust particles present in air are harmful for the body.
Animals and humans breathe in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide during respiration.
Plants taken in carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere to make food and release oxygen into the atmosphere.

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